Friday, August 10, 2012

YA Fiction Short Story Submission - Today's The Day!

Writer's Digest Contest (Writer's Digest Submission Link )
Snow Ribbon

     I'm really jazzed up about submitting the story I wrote for this contest Snow Ribbon. Why do I love this story? It's like a really long, juicy chapter. A peak inside of something much bigger. And probably also because Tyler, the male lead is heroic, handsome and without hesitation when it comes to saving his love interest - Skylar. I'm a sucker for romance and  adventure. Hey what can I say? I write what I would like to read.
     Writing this story was a new experience for me. I treated it like an assignment. It had to be 4,000 words or less and viola! it's just under that. In this story, I really got to exercise the concept of 'if it doesn't pertain, leave it out'. The back story was limited and the current situation dominated the story.
     Yesterday I was thinking that this might be the first piece I've written that doesn't have a villainous character - other than the thundersnow and the avalanche that threatens their lives!
     This story has also provided me with the opportunity to stretch my limbs, and explore other genres of YA fiction. It was so fun in fact, I might write another or two before the September 14th deadline.
     And by the way, I have had multiple requests from my critique group (also known as The Book Club) to make Snow Ribbon into a full length novel. The winners of the contest won't be announced until December so, until then, keep writing and stay tuned...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Progress Report

OK, I'm trying to buckle down and make a lot of progress. It's been hard! Summer is such a busy time for me. I feel like I'm moving non-stop. Plus, I'm weird. I don't write as easily when its hot outside. The sun has a way of beckoning me to its warmth! My mind is active but, my fingers are too slugglish to prance accross the keys...

I didn't really realize it until I thought about it but, I've made a lot of progress in the past two months. I thought I'd post an update of my projects and their progress:

  • Dreams Series: Book One Unraveled
    • Editing. Changed the beginning, dropped the preface, pulled backstory to weave and add in later chapters (110k words), tightening up and when its done, I'm going to use query tracker to REALLY and most seriously start shopping it. (Wish me luck.) Also, working on the query letter. Per the critiques I received, everything I need is there, I just have to tighten it up!
    • I fought the edit for so long. It's my baby. You don't want to change your baby. Re-arranging it is hard enough. Moving eyes, plumping up the cheeks, well, you get the point. BUT, BUT, when I finally put aside what I did, and re-wrote chapter one, fresh - it was great and I loved it! So, I learned a lesson here. When in doubt, trust your instinct and go for it. I'm learning that first drafts are great for fleshing out the backstory and learning about your characters. But, thats why they are first drafts - they were born to be re-born. It's hard to get your head around that (especially if you are stubborn like me) but, its true.
    • This is the first novel that I have ever written. It took me about six months but, it was awesome. A period of discovery, an adventure. It took me places I never intended to go. It taught me so much about who I am as a writer.
  • Dreams Series: Book Two Frayed
    • Written. Needs Editing. (140k words)
  • Dreams Series: Book Three Fringe
    • It's started, I promise. I'm on chapter one! It's a start.
  • Beyond the Sea and the Sand
    • Wrote the first chapter in third person. It's ok. By ok I mean I don't like it. I'll be re-writing from first person. It's my preference. (2k words)
  • Snow Ribbon
    • Short story. Edited. Complete. Will be entered in the Writer's Digest Young Adult Fiction Contest this fall. (4k words)
  • Beneath the Willows
    • Still in my mind but, gaining momentum.
So, even though to me, it sometimes seems like my writing has gone stagnant. It hasn't. On the contrary, I'm bursting with ideas. I just need to engage and hone in.

And I'm off...