
Dreams Trilogy
(Young Adult)By: Sarah Writes

To say that seventeen year old Anna Hunter has had a rough life, leaving her hanging by a thread, would be an understatement. She's been abandoned by her mother and left to care for her ten year old sister, Sophie and their dog Gus. She goes to school during the day, and endures bullying from the most popular girl in school, and then works at a 24 hour Diner through the night to make ends meet.

Plagued by a persistent, reoccurring dream and fighting the throngs of exhaustion on a daily basis, her life becomes even more complicated as she gets entangled with her insanely handsome neighbor, AJ and forms an undeniable connection with a gorgeous, mysterious customer, Mayson from her work. These two guys are literally her day and her night, and she's torn between the life of a teenager, the facade of being a working adult, the challenge of hiding her secrets, and taking care of her little sister, all at the same time.

While Anna has always felt powerless against the troubles that befall her, she soon finds herself inside of a Phenomenon; Street Light Interference, that empowers her, quite literally. Unknown and unwillingly, she has become a SLIDER. Despite wanting to ignore what's happened to her, Anna has to confront it when she realizes that the CHASERS, a band of power hungry, relentless people are after her power.

Follow Anna  on this adventure as she's faced with the insurmountable challenges of being a teenager, a caretaker and provider, and trying to sort out her life as it has become Unraveled, Frayed, and Fringed.

Book One:

    'Like life, love is complicated. And while not well versed, I was learning the chords quickly. It was Thursday when I decided to throw caution to the wind and tell AJ that I had completely fallen for him. There were things that I had set aside recently, including my pride but, the feelings that I had when I thought of AJ, or when I saw him, when he touched me, could no longer be ignored. They were too powerful and demanded reciprocity.' - Excerpt Chapter 23, Natural Selection
    (Copy Right Sarah Writes 2010)

    Book Two:

(Complete, Editing)

'As I drifted to sleep in the cave, I thought of an old song. A children’s melody, with new words:
Eenie Meenie Miny Mo, Which one is which? I just don’t know
Why am I stuck inside a trap? Who can I trust to get me back?
If I choose wrong, he’ll make me pay - Every minute of everyday
My mother’s gone - I’m all alone

There’s no one else to help me get home…'Excerpt Frayed

Book Three:

(In Progress)

There's a girl, two handsome guys, a quirky little sister, an antic filled dog, and lots of action and romance...what every story needs!

Beyond the Sea and the Sand

(In Progress)

A futuristic, post apocalyptic fairytale where the peace and security of the survivors and their offspring is threatened by an evil Fire Prince from another island.

Princess Leah unknowingly falls in love with her Body Guard, Christopher, and together, with the help of their friends, find themselves in a race to save and protect the new humanity that exists, and the love that has formed between them.

Passion. Adventure. Love. Romance. Action.

Snow Ribbon
(Short Story for Writer's Digest Contest, Complete, Submitted)

A chance meeting at a her high school senior outing brings Skylar  face to face with her past crush, Tyler. Together they overcome the pain that tore them apart, and the avalanche that threatens their lives.

Beneath the Willows
(Still in my mind) 

Operation Normal
(A new idea.)
Normal sounds a lot like...boring.

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