Thursday, June 28, 2012

Opportunities and Glitter

In college, I had a writing teacher that told us that if she was ever cut open, she was certain that glitter and sparkles would come out of her body. I resemble that remark.

In fact, I still smile just thinking about it because, I know exactly what she means. My sparkles would be brilliant blue butterflies, laced with teal and iridescent glitter that coruscates splendidly when the sun shines on it. I know that life brings you ups and downs but, I swear, even on my bad days, I feel like I can't get enough of this life. There is so much that I'm interested in, so much that I strive to do. The mind is an amazing machine and mine runs near constantly. Sometimes, there are thoughts and ideas that I just have to get out, regardless if anyone ever reads them, that's not the point anyway. Writing to me, is a vehicle. A means of transportation to transfer my thoughts from my mind, to the wonderful world of print, whether it be shared or not.

A long time ago, I made a list of things I am and things I want to be. The list was long. Its been about six or seven years since I wrote that list in a butterfly journal that I kept by my bedside. The journals gone but, my photographic memory recalls much. It's amazing how many of those things that I wanted to be, I've become. I think thats the point. It may sound cliche but, you really can do anything you put your mind to. Sure, there might setbacks, and you can surely count on obstacles but, you've got to keep pushing forward. And if you do, you will succeed. "98 and 3/4 percent Guaranteed" (according to Dr. Seuss).

My mentor once told me that life is about taking advantage of opportunities that are presented to you. That they determine how far you go in life. Based on my experiences, I'd have to agree. Some things in life might be scary, they might seem too far, too long, too much for you to handle. Bite off a piece at a time and then look back now and then and you'll be surprised with your progress. I know I am.

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